List of Installed and Active Features

Multiple features are installed with OneController. Several of these features are also active (functioning). You can make installed, but inactive, features active (see Karaf Overview)

The following table lists all OneController installed features, and indicates which ones are active by default (✓ in Active column).

expand icon

List of Installed and Active Features

Feature Description Active
AAA Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
ADSAL API Driven Service Abstraction Layer
ARP Manager Address Resolution Protocol Manager
BGP Border Gateway Protocol  
Controller OpenDaylight Controller and its Config Plugins
COPS Common Open Policy Service
DLUX Web UI with Extreme Networks Platform Manager
Felix OSGi Dependency Management
FRM Forwarding Rules Manager
GBP Group-Based Policy
Gemini Web OSGi Web Container
Host Tracker Catalogs Hosts in the Network
Jackson JAX RS Java Data Parsing Tools
Jersey RESTful Web Services framework
Jetty Java Servlet Container
LISP Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol  
MDSAL Model Driven Service Abstraction Layer
MDSAL API Docs API Explorer based on Swagger
NETCONF Network Configuration Protocol
Netty Config Configuration API
OpenFlow OpenFlow Protocol Plugins
OVSDB Open vSwitch Database Protocol
PCEP Path Computation Element Communication Protocol
Platform Manager OneController Platform Manager API
Plugin2OC Plugin to OpenContrail
RESTConf REST API for accessing YANG / NETCONF
SDNI SDN Interface (Cross-Controller Federation)
SFC Service Function Chaining
SLF4J Logging Simple Logging Façade for Java
SNBI Secure Network Bootstrapping Infrastructure  
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
Spring Spring Dependency Injection Framework
Stats Manager Send Statistics Requests to OpenFlow Nodes
Switch Manager Catalogs Capabilities of Network Elements
Tomcat Java Servlet Container
Topology Manage Network Topology Manager
TTP Table Type Patterns
VTN Virtual Tenant Network  
YANG Tools for YANG models