Changing System Settings

Using the OneController GUI, you can change the following OneController system settings that you set up originally during installation (see Installing and Setting Up OneController).

The Reset Configuration button resets the system settings back to the factory default (see Reverting to the Factory Default Settings) without removing any customer-installed features (see Installing Additional Features).

To change hardware settings:

  1. Click Setup, and then the desired hardware settings tab:
    • Host Info: set host name, domain name, DNS servers (see Host Information)
    • Time: set the time zone and current time, and whether to enable NTP support (see Time)
    • Interfaces: set IP address/netmask/VLAN ID for all the interfaces (see Interfaces)
    • Logging Server: set remote log servers' IP addresses (see Remote Logging (Syslog) Server)
    • SNMP: configure or disable the OneController SNMP agent (see SNMP)
  2. Click Setup, and then click the Summary tab. A summary of all of your system settings appears.
  3. Click Submit.


    Changes made on any of the system setting screens are not applied until you click the Submit button on the Summary screen.