OneController Overview

OneController leverages the OpenDaylight Helium SR1.1 version SDN Controller to provide an open, fully pluggable and scalable platform to enable SDN and NFV for networks at any size and scale. Applications can use OneController to gather network intelligence, run algorithms to perform analytics, and then use OneController to orchestrate the new rules, if any, throughout the network. Additionally, OneController is based on the modular OpenDaylight platform that allows multiple Java modules to run concurrently within the Karaf framework, and lets the modules access Java APIs exposed by other modules using the OpenDaylight Service Layer Abstraction (SAL) framework.

The OneController framework contains a collection of dynamically pluggable modules to provide network services such as:
  • Host and node service
  • Flow service
  • Physical and overlay (flow-based) topology service
  • Path service to setup and manage a path based on specified constraints such as bandwidth between a given source and destination
  • Multi-tenant network virtualization service
  • Network statistics service
OneController also provides the following features:
  • Web-based GUI for configuring the OneController appliance
  • OpenFlow modules for Lync integration (configuring only the access switches)
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Extreme Networks OneController

Extreme Networks SDN platform includes management, policy, analytics, orchestration, OneController and switch level APIs.

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Extreme Networks SDN Platform