BGP4 Neighbor Configuration

The IP address of the neighbor is the primary IP address of the interface connection. For each neighbor, you can specify a set of attributes. In cases where a set of neighbors share the same set of attributes, it is a best practice to create a peer-group. For more information, see BGP4 Peer Groups.

The neighbor configuration appears in both the global and address-family modes of BGP. The neighbor parameters that are common to all of the address families are available from BGP global configuration mode. The parameters that are specific to an address family are available from BGP address-family submode.

Several neighbor configuration options are available from BGP global configuration mode.
device(config-bgp-router)# neighbor ?
Possible completions:
  advertisement-interval   Minimum interval between sending BGP routing updates
  as-override              Override matching AS-number while sending update
  capability               Advertise capability to the peer
  description              Neighbor by description
  ebgp-btsh                Enable EBGP TTL Security Hack Protection
  ebgp-multihop            Allow EBGP neighbors not on directly connected
  enforce-first-as         Enforce the first AS for EBGP routes
  local-as                 Assign local-as number to neighbor
  maxas-limit              Impose limit on number of ASes in AS-PATH attribute
  next-hop-self            Disable the next hop calculation for this neighbor
  password                 Enable TCP-MD5 password protection
  peer-group               Assign peer-group to neighbor
  remote-as                Specify a BGP neighbor
  remove-private-as        Remove private AS number from outbound updates
  shutdown                 Administratively shut down this neighbor
  soft-reconfiguration     Per neighbor soft reconfiguration
  static-network-edge      Neighbor as special service edge, static-network
                           shall not be advertised if installed as DROP
  timers                   BGP per neighbor timers
  update-source            Source of routing updates


MD5 passwords cannot have ASCII character 32 ('SPACE') as a part of the password string.
Several neighbor configuration options are available from BGP IPv4 address family unicast configuration mode.
device(config-bgp-ipv4u)# neighbor ?
Possible completions:
  activate                 Allow exchange of route in the current family mode
  allowas-in               Disables the AS_PATH check of the routes learned
                           from the AS
  capability               Advertise capability to the peer
  default-originate        Originate default route to peer
  filter-list              Establish BGP filters
  maximum-prefix           Maximum number of prefix accept from this peer
  prefix-list              Prefix List for filtering routes
  route-map                Apply route map to neighbor
  route-reflector-client   Configure a neighbor as Route Reflector client
  send-community           Send community attribute to this neighbor
  unsuppress-map           Route-map to selectively unsuppress suppressed
  weight                   Set default weight for routes from this neighbor