Displaying VRRPv2 information

Before displaying VRRP information, VRRPv2 must be configured and enabled in your VRRP or VRRP-E network to generate traffic.

Use one or more of the following commands to display VRRPv2 information. The commands do not have to be entered in this order.
  1. Enter the show vrrp command with a virtual-group ID to display detailed information about one virtual group ID.
    device# show vrrp 1
    Total number of VRRP session(s)   : 1
    VRID 1
      Interface: Ve 10;  Ifindex: 1207959562
      Mode: VRRP
      Admin Status: Enabled
      Description :
      Address family: IPv4
      Version: 2
      Authentication type: No Authentication
      State: Initialize
      Session Master IP Address:
      Virtual IP(s):
      Configured Priority: unset (default: 100); Current Priority: 100
      Advertisement interval: 1 sec  (default: 1 sec)
      Preempt mode: ENABLE  (default: ENABLE)
      Hold time: 0 sec  (default: 0 sec)
        Port(s)                    Priority  Port Status
        =======                    ========  ===========
        Advertisements: Rx: 60, Tx: 6
        Gratuitous ARP: Tx: 2
    This example output shows that one IPv4 VRRP session is configured.
  2. Enter the show vrrp summary command.
    device# show vrrp summary
    Total number of VRRP session(s)   : 1
    Master session count  : 1
    Backup session count  : 0
    Init session count    : 0
    VRID  Session  Interface       Admin     Current   State    Short-path  Revert    SPF
                                   State     Priority           Forwarding  Priority  Reverted
    ====  =======  =========       =====     ========  ======   ==========  ========  ========
    1     VRRP     Ve 100          Enabled   110       Master
    This example displays information about VRRP sessions.
  3. Enter the show vrrp interface command with interface ve 10 options and detailed output.
    device# show vrrp int ve 10 detail
    Total number of VRRP session(s)   : 1
    VRID 1
      Interface: Ve 10;  Ifindex: 1207959562
      Mode: VRRP
      Admin Status: Enabled
      Description :
      Address family: IPv4
      Version: 2
      Authentication type: No Authentication
      State: Initialize
      Session Master IP Address:
      Virtual IP(s):
      Virtual MAC Address: 0000.5e00.0101
      Configured Priority: 110 (default: 100); Current Priority: unset
      Advertisement interval: 1 sec  (default: 1 sec)
      Preempt mode: ENABLE  (default: ENABLE)
      Hold time: 0 sec  (default: 0 sec)
      Master Down interval: 4 sec
        Port(s)                    Priority  Port Status
        =======                    ========  ===========
      Global Statistics:
        Checksum Error : 0
        Version Error  : 0
        VRID Invalid   : 0
      Session Statistics:
        Advertisements             : Rx: 60, Tx: 6
        Gratuitous ARP             : Tx: 2
        Session becoming master    : 0
        Advts with wrong interval  : 0
        Prio Zero pkts             : Rx: 0, Tx: 0
        Invalid Pkts Rvcd          : 0
        Bad Virtual-IP Pkts        : 0
        Invalid Authenticaton type : 0
        Invalid TTL Value          : 0
        Invalid Packet Length      : 0