Configuring DNS Whitelists

About this task

A DNS whitelist is used in conjunction with a captive portal to provide access services to wireless clients. Use the whitelist to create a set of allowed destination IP addresses within the captive portal. To effectively host hotspot pages on an external Web server, the IP address of the destination Web server(s) should be in the whitelist.

To define the whitelist:


  1. Go to Configuration → Services.
    The upper, left-hand, side of the user interface displays a Services menu pane where Captive Portal, DHCP and RADIUS configuration options can be selected.
  2. Select DNS Whitelist.
    The DNS Whitelist screen displays.
    Click to expand in new window
    Captive Portal DNS Whitelist Screen
  3. Review the names of existing whitelists. Click Add to create a new whitelist entry, or select an existing whitelist and click Edit to modify it.