Vehicle Mounted Modem (VMM) Deployment Considerations
Before defining a VMM configuration (mounting an AP7161 mesh point on a
moving vehicle), refer to the following deployment guidelines to ensure the
configuration is optimally effective:
- Disable layer 2 stateful packet inspection from the firewall policy.
- Set the RTS threshold value to 1 on all mesh devices. The default value is 65,536.
For more information on defining radio settings, see Access Point Radio Configuration.
- Use Opportunistic as the rate selection settings for the AP 7161
radio The default is Standard. For more information on defining
this setting, see Radio Override Configuration.
- Disable Dynamic Chain Selection (radio setting). The default value is enabled. This
setting is disabled from the Command Line Interface (CLI) using the
dynamic-chainselection command, or, in the UI (refer to Radio Override Configuration).
- Disable A-MPDU Aggregation if the intended vehicular speed is greater than 30 mph.
For more information, see Radio Override Configuration.