Create a site with a device group for
the AP3915 devices.
Configure an External Captive
Specify the network topology.
Specify Bridged@AP. ExtremeWireless APs support both Bridged@AC and
Bridged@AP topologies.
Configure an External Captive Portal
Engine Rules: The ExtremeCloud IQ
Controller rules engine generates a default Unauthenticated rule. There is
no user interaction required on the ExtremeCloud IQ
Controller. An authenticated rule is
generated from the External Captive Portal server. You must define a policy role on ExtremeCloud IQ
Controller that matches the authenticated role on the server. This can be a
unique role or default authenticated role like Enterprise User.
Go back to each device group and
configure the configuration profile. Specify the External Captive Portal network and the
ExtremeCloud IQ
Controller authenticated role that matches the ECP server authenticated