Deploy Universal APs

The following Wi-Fi 6 access points can operate in either ExtremeCloud™ IQ or in an on-premise environment — one configured operating mode at a time.
  • AP3000/X
  • AP302W
  • AP305C/CX
  • AP305C-1
  • AP4000
  • AP4000-1
  • AP410C
  • AP410C-1
  • AP460C/S6C/S12C
  • AP5010
  • AP5020
  • AP5050U/AP5050D

ExtremeCloud IQ validates that the device is a Universal AP based on the serial number. The ExtremeCloud IQ onboarding logic checks both the model number and manufacturing date.

Universal Access Point Serial Number schema (14 Digits): XXXXYYMMDDnnnn

XXXX: Product Code

YYMMDD: Manufacturing Date Code

nnnn: Sequential Number (0001 – 9999)

  • AP305C/CX
    Minimum serial number required for the AP305C and AP305CX access point model support:
    • First 305C SN = 03052009040001
    • First 305CX SN = 13052009040001
  • AP410C
    Minimum serial number is required for AP410C access point model support:
    • First 410C SN = 04102101280001
  • AP460C/S6C/S12C
    Minimum serial number is required for AP460C access point model support:
    • First 460C SN = 24602101250001
    • First 460S6C SN = 34602101250001
    • First 460S12C SN = 44602101250001


In ExtremeCloud IQ you can define protection rules for restrictions on access to management plane (aka Exception Path) for interfaces with L3 presence. Administrators define a list of IP address/ranges that are allowed or denied access to management plane services via targeted L3 addresses of the controller (Physical and Topologies).