Local DHCP Settings

Configure the following Local DHCP settings:
Domain Name
The name of the domain that is allocated for the IP address range.
Lease (Seconds)
The DHCP Lease represents the time period between when a device obtains the IP address and the time the IP address expires. When the Lease expires, the device releases the IP address and ExtremeCloud IQ Controller issues a new one. Default Lease is 36000 seconds, Default Max Value is 2592000 seconds. Devices can request a lease value.
DNS Servers
Primary IP address for the DNS (Domain Name Server).
WINS Servers
IP address of the WINS (Windows Internet Name Service) server.
Gateway IP address.
Address Range
IP address range. Value is prompted by the subnet IP address that you configured.
(Available from the VLAN configuration) A range or single IP address that is excluded from the greater Address Range. Save your VLAN configuration before selecting Exclusions to configure IP address exclusions.