Editing the Configuration Profile for Network and Roles

Configure a network and be aware of policy roles that you are using before modifying the device group profile.
  1. On ExtremeCloud IQ Controller, go to Configure > Sites and select a site.
  2. Select Device Groups tab.
  3. Select your configured device group.
  4. Beside the Profile field, select to edit the configuration profile.
  5. From the Networks tab, assign a radio to the network you created.
  6. From the Roles tab, select the appropriate roles that will be applied to the end system during connection/registration/authorization. Typically all roles are selected.


    Upon creating an External Captive Portal WLAN the ExtremeCloud IQ Controller automatically creates the following internal rule:
    • Unregistered role for <network name>
    The following are rule examples:
    Unregistered role for Guest:acfilters# show
    Custom AP Filters: disable
    filter 1 3 proto udp eth 800 mac any port 53 in dst out src allow
    filter 2 3 proto udp eth 800 mac any port 67 in dst out src allow
    filter 3 3 proto any eth any mac any all_ports in none out src allow
    filter 4 3 proto icmp eth 800 mac any type-code 0x0000 0x0000 in dst out src allow
    filter 5 3 proto tcp eth 800 mac any all_ports in dst out src allow
    filter 6 3 app-signature group "Web Applications" hostname "fqdn:nac_engine.mynetwork.com" proto any eth 800 mac any all_ports in dst out src allow
    filter 7 3 proto tcp eth 800 mac any port 80 in dst out none redirect
    filter 8 3 proto tcp eth 800 mac any port 443 in dst out none redirect

    Enabling Captive Portal on a WLAN automatically builds the Unregistered role for <Network Name> and the necessary rules for client redirection. This role is automatically assigned to device groups that have the External Captive Portal WLAN selected to broadcast. Unregistered role for <Network Name> is not visible within the ExtremeCloud IQ Controller user interface. No modification or role creation is necessary for the functional External Captive Portal environment. Extreme Control must send back the filter-id of Unregistered role for <Network Name> to use the automatically created role.

  7. Select Save to save the Profile settings.
  8. Select Close to close the device group.