
  // login.php 
  // This is a simple implementation of a script that 
  // receives a user's credentials, authenticates the  
  // credentials, selects an access control role for 
  // the user, then redirects the user back to the 
  // controller using a signed URL containing the selected
  // access control role.  
  // This script assumes that the credentials are 
  // submitted on the form created by the example script 
  // net-auth.php. 
  // Assumptions 
  // =========== 
  // 1. The controller is configured to include its IP address 
  //    and port in the redirection URL and the submitted login 
  //    form contains that IP address and port. This allows the 
  //    ECP to interact with more than one controller. 
  // 2. Whether the script uses HTTP or HTTPS in its redirection
  //    response depends on the value of use_https,
  //    which must be defined in php.ini. 
  //    If the value of use_https is 1, then the script uses
  //    HTTPS. If the configuration variable has any other value
  //    or is not defined, then the script uses HTTP. In practice,
  //    an actual site is going to settle on using HTTP or HTTPS.
  //    The scripts can then assume that method is being used
  //    rather than looking up the method in php.ini.
  // The use_https is a user-
  // defined variable. It must be created in php.ini by the
  // web server administrator.
  // Some local constants
  const EWC_HTTP_REQ = "http://";
  const EWC_HTTPS_REQ = "https://";
  const EWC_REDIRECT_TARGET = "/ext_approval.php?";
  // The mainline begins here. The utilities are defined after the
  // mainline.
  // 1. Collect the parameters submitted on the login form.
  //    Some of these attributes come from hidden fields.
  $hwc_ip = trim($_REQUEST['hwc_ip']);
  $hwc_port = trim($_REQUEST['hwc_port']);
  $dest = trim($_REQUEST['dest']);
  $token = trim($_REQUEST['token']);
  $username = (isset($_REQUEST['userid'])) ?
    trim($_REQUEST['userid']) : "";
  $passwd = (isset($_REQUEST['passwd'])) ?
    trim($_REQUEST['passwd']) : "";
  $wlan = isset($_REQUEST['wlan']) ?
    trim($_REQUEST['wlan']) : "";
  if(!tokenCheck($token)) {
	  printError("Error: <span style='color:red'>Failed to process the request: incorrect token.</span>");
  } else if(isset($hwc_port) && !is_numeric($hwc_port)) {
	  printError("Error: <span style='color:red'>Failed to process the request: incorrect port.</span>");
  } else if(!empty($wlan) && !is_numeric($wlan)) {
	  printError("Error: <span style='color:red'>Failed to process the request: incorrect WLAN.</span>");
  // For this example the maximum duration of any user's
  // session will be 36000 seconds. The session is terminated
  // no later than this time. After the session is terminated,
  // the user can access the network but will be unauthenticated
  // again.
  $max_duration = 36000;
  // 2. Authenticate the user and select an appropriate role.
  //    Selecting the role is optional. If a role is not specified
  //    for the controller, the controller will apply the default
  //    authenticated role of the WLAN Service that the user is
  //    accessing.
  $assigned_role = authenticate($username, $passwd);
  if (false === $assigned_role) {
      // Failed to authenticate the user.
      // Authenticate prints the error message for
      // the browser and exits.
  // 3. Tell the controller that the user is authenticated,
  //    and tell it which role to apply to the user.
  //    3.a Build the URL that needs to be signed.
  $pUrl = makeUnsignedUrl($hwc_ip, $hwc_port, isHttps(), $token,
  		$username, $wlan, $assigned_role, $dest,
  // 3.b Sign the URL. Otherwise, the role and session
  //     duration options will be ignored by the controller.
  $redirection = SimpleAws::createPresignedUrl(
	$pUrl, 'BigAuthInc', $awsKeyPairs['BigAuthInc'],
  	$awsConfig['region'], $awsConfig['service'],
  if (null == $redirection) {
  	// Quietly exit. createPresignedUrl has already 
  	// reported an error to the browser.
  header( 'Location: '.$redirection);
  // End of mainline.
  // A method that validates the user's credentials and
  // returns the role to apply to the user. In some cases,
  // this routine might also return the maximum session
  // duration in seconds.
  // For purposes of this example, this procedure is	 
  // not much more than a stub. The stub can be replaced
  // by any authentication method, such as sending access
  // requests to a backend RADIUS server, or performing
  // a lookup in an application credential database.
  function authenticate($userid, $passwd) {
  	if (("" == $userid) || ("" == $passwd)) {
  		printError("Invalid Userid or Password. ".
  				"Please press the 'Back' button and try again.");
  		// If you generate another login page for the user,
  		// be sure to copy the hwc_ip address, hwc_port,
  		// token and dest attributes from the submitted
  		// login form to the login page.
  		return false;
  	} else {
  		// Return the name of a role to be applied
  		// to the station. The role must be defined on
  		// the controller or it will substitute the
  		// default authenticated role of the VNS that the
  		// user is logging into.
  		// For purposes of this example, assume all
  		// authenticated users get the 'Guest_Access' role.
  		return "Guest_Access";
   * A function that decides whether 
   * to use HTTP or HTTPS in the redirect to
   * the controller. This example just uses
   * a php.ini user configuration variable
   * to decide.
  function isHttps() {
  	if (get_cfg_var('use_https')) {
  		if (1 == get_cfg_var('use_https')) {
  			$useHttps = true;
  		} else {
  			$useHttps = false;
  	} else {
  		$useHttps = false;	
  	return $useHttps;
   * A method that assembles an unsigned URL out of the
   * the input from the user's succesful login
   * @param string  $hwc_ip     IP or FQDN of controller
   * @param int     $hwc_port   Port on controller to receive redirection
   * @param bool    $useHttps   Whether the redirect uses HTTP or HTTPS
   * @param string  $token      Identifier for the station's session
   * @param string  $username   The name the station's user logged in with
   * @param int     $wlanid     Identifier for the WLAN the station is using
   * @param string  $assigned_role Name of the access control role to assign
   * @param string  $dest       The URL the station was trying to get to
   * @param int     $max_duration The maximum length of the station's session.
  function makeUnsignedUrl($hwc_ip, $hwc_port, $useHttps, $token,
  		$username, $wlanid, $assigned_role, $dest,
  		$max_duration) {
  	 $redirectUrl = ($useHttps ? EWC_HTTPS_REQ : EWC_HTTP_REQ)
  	 if ((80 != $hwc_port) && (443 != $hwc_port)) {
  	 	$redirectUrl .= ":".$hwc_port;
  	 $redirectUrl .= EWC_REDIRECT_TARGET
  		.'token='. rawurlencode($token)
  		.(is_not_empty($dest) ?'&dest='.rawurlencode($dest):'')
  		.(is_not_empty($assigned_role) ? '&role='.
  		.(is_not_empty($max_duration) ?'&opt27='.$max_duration:'');
  	 return $redirectUrl;