Configure a Regular Expression Realm

It is possible to create realms in NAI Routing based on a regular expression. When the realm name starts with a /, the name is treated as an regular expression and the value of the entire Username attribute is matched. Optionally, you can end the regular expression with a trailing /.

For example, to match on the domain name, configure a realm block named /@example\.com$/, and to match all domains under the .com top domain, configure the following name /@.*\.com$/.

Because the matching is done on the entire attribute value, you can use rules to load balance users in a specific domain. For example, the following realm name directs some users to match on one realm block configured for one server, while other users will match another realm block configured for another server:


Regular Expression Realm Configuration illustrates a realm configuration that uses a regular expression to load balance traffic based on device MAC address. Devices with a MAC address that start with 88 are sent to IP address, while devices with a MAC address that start with 44 are sent to IP address
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Regular Expression Realm Configuration
Example of a regular expression realm configuration by MAC address that handles load balancing.