Local Onboarding— Import CSV file

From the Setting Up Your Local Network dialog, you can import devices using a csv file:

  1. If you have not already done so, create the CSV file. See below for an example of a CSV file.
  2. Select Import from CSV.
  3. Select Choose to navigate to the CSV file. Or, drag the file onto the dialog.
  4. Select Onboard Devices.
  5. Select Finish.
Enhanced Discovery — To take advantage of Enhanced Discovery while importing devices through CSV, formulate a multiple-column CSV file. For example:
Table 1. Example CSV file for Enhanced Discovery support
Serial Number Primary Controller IP Address Secondary Controller IP Address Host Name
xxxxxxxxx-10004 10.xx.xxx.4 10.xx.xxx.5
xxxxxxxxx-28887 10.xx.xxx.9 10.xx.xxx.6


Host Name will be supported in a future release of ExtremeCloud IQ.