Configuring an Internal Captive Portal network with WPAv2 PSK privacy.
Centralized sites support B@AC
and B@AP VLAN topology.
Go to and configure the following parameters:
- Network Name
- test1-ICP
- test1-ICP
- Status
- Enable or disable the network service. Disabling the network service
shuts off the service but does not delete it.
- Auth Type
- Select WPAv2 - Personal
(PSK) then select Edit
Privacy and enter a password key.
- Enable Captive Portal
- Check this option and
specify the following parameters:
- Captive
Portal Type = Internal
- Default captive portal is specified. This
is the captive portal we configured.
- Authentication Method. Select Proxy
RADIUS (Failover).
assignment through Filter ID is not
- Primary RADIUS. This is the RADIUS server we configured.
Enter the IP address. You have the option to add 1-3
failover RADIUS servers.
- Default VLAN
= test1. This is the B@AC VLAN we created.
- Default Auth Role
- The default network
policy roles for an authenticated client. Select the plus sign to
create a new role.
Select the policy role as the default authentication policy role.
Typically, Enterprise
User is the Default Auth Role. You can select any of the configured roles.
To configure a new role:
- Go to .
- Go to and edit a policy rule, specifying Default Auth Role in the
Accept Policy field.
- Default VLAN
- The default network topology. A topology can be thought of as a VLAN
(Virtual LAN) with at least one egress port, and optionally include: sets of services,
exception filters, and multicast filters. Examples of supported topology modes are Bridged
at AP and Bridged at AC. Select a VLAN from the list.
Select Save.
When a client connects to the network, a captive portal page is presented. The user
enters a user name and password. The RADIUS authenticates the user name and
password. Captive portal automatically generates two engine rules that define the
Accept Policy for a client before authentication and after authentication.
Next, work with the ExtremeCloud IQ
Controller engine rules.