A small data center (non-Clos) fabric is used in small data centers.
If any devices in a fabric are in "admin-down" state, use of the following commands in that same fabric will not add or delete devices in the fabric: efa fabric device add-bulk and efa fabric device remove.efa fabric create
efa fabric device add
A device must be registered with Inventory Service before you can add it to a fabric. However, if you provide a user name and password when you run the command, then the devices are automatically registered with the Inventory Service. See the examples at the end of this procedure.
$ efa fabric configure
The validation process reports any errors as a response to the efa fabric device add or efa fabric configure operations. You can use the efa fabric error show command to export these errors to a CSV file.$ efa fabric create --name extr-fabric --type non-clos
efa fabric device add --name extr-fabric --ip 10.x.x.x --rack room1-rack1 --username admin --password password
$ efa fabric device add-bulk --name extr-fabric --rack room1-rack1 --ip, --rack room1-rack2 --ip,
efa fabric configure --name extr-fabric