When shutting down the service, either the SSH or the Telnet server on the Management VRF must remain operational. For example; if the Telnet server on the default-vrf and mgmt-vrf are shut down, the ssh server can be disabled on the default-vrf, but NOT on the mgmt-vrf.device# configure terminal
device(config)# ssh server use-vrf Possible completions: <VRF Name> Provide the vrf (mgmt-vrf,default-vrf or <user defined vrf>) on which to start/stop ssh server device(config)# ssh server use-vrf default-vrf shutdown
device(config)# no ssh server use-vrf default-vrf shutdown
The shutdown option for a given VRF is displayed only when the SSH server was configured and then shutdown on that VRF. Otherwise, the VRF name and shutdown option are not displayed for the no form of the command.Note
Additionally, the SSH Server can be restarted on all VRF instances usingssh-server