Configure Redundant Management with a Mellanox Adapter

The following procedure configures redundant management on port 0/15 with a Mellanox Adapter.

  1. Configure port 0/15.
    device# configure
    device(config)# hardware 
    device(config-hardware)# connector 0/15
  2. Configure breakout mode of 4x1G. (only on SLX 9250/Extreme 8720 devices)
    device(config-connector-0/15)# breakout mode 4x1G
    device(config-connector-0/15)# end
  3. Configure breakout mode of 4x10G. (on both SLX 9250/Extreme 8720 and SLX 9740/Extreme 8820 devices)
    device(config-connector-0/15)# breakout mode 4x10G
    device(config-connector-0/15)# end
  4. Configure redundant management on port 0/15.
    device# configure
    device(config)# interface Ethernet 0/15:1 
    device(config-hardware)# connector 0/15
    device(conf-if-eth-0/15:1)# redundant-management enable 
    device(conf-if-eth-0/15:1)# no shut
    device(conf-if-eth-0/15:1)# end

    When using the Mellanox adaptor, only the first member of the breakout board can be used as the Redundant Management Interface. This is shown in the above example.

The following example displays the Redundant Management Interface configuration on SLX 9250/Extreme 8720 devices with 4x10G.

SLX# show running-config hardware connector 0/15 breakout mode
connector 0/15
  breakout mode 4x10g

SLX# show running-config interface Ethernet 0/15:1
interface Ethernet 0/15:1
redundant-management enable
no shutdown

SLX# show interface ethernet 0/15:1
Ethernet 0/15:1 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
Redundant management mode is enabled
Hardware is Ethernet, address is f46e.95a1.f826
    Current address is f46e.95a1.f826
Fixed Copper RJ45 Media Present
Interface index (ifindex) is 201589248 (0xc040200)
MTU 9216 bytes
IP MTU 1500 bytes
Maximum Speed        : 10G
LineSpeed Actual     : 10000 Mbit
LineSpeed Configured : Auto, Duplex: Full
Priority Tag disable
Forward LACP PDU: Disable
Route Only: Disabled
Tag-type: 0x8100
Last clearing of show interface counters: 02:45:29
Queueing strategy: fifo
FEC Mode - Disabled
Receive Statistics:
    81295 packets, 6130007 bytes
    Unicasts: 1212, Multicasts: 71717, Broadcasts: 8363
    64-byte pkts: 62703, Over 64-byte pkts: 17088, Over 127-byte pkts: 545
    Over 255-byte pkts: 606, Over 511-byte pkts: 117, Over 1023-byte pkts: 233
    Over 1518-byte pkts(Jumbo): 0
    Runts: 0, Jabbers: 0, CRC: 0, Overruns: 0
    Errors: 0, Discards: 0
Transmit Statistics:
    742 packets, 66702 bytes
    Unicasts: 426, Multicasts: 316, Broadcasts: 0
    Underruns: 0
    Errors: 0, Discards: 0
Rate info:
    Input 0.005267 Mbits/sec, 9 packets/sec, 0.00% of line-rate
    Output 0.000000 Mbits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0.00% of line-rate
Route-Only Packets Dropped: 0
Time since last interface status change: 00:00:44