Managing Snapshots

The installed TPVM rootfs only snapshot's (backup) can be taken manually or as part of TPVM upgrade CLI. If admin finds that the upgrade failed for any reason, the TPVM instance can be reverted to the backup instance.



The in-between configurations should not be updated and only one snapshot instance is supported. Upon revert the old TPVM instance with last applied configurations will be restored and rebooted.

Example 1) This example describes the stop snapshot TPVM. It will stop the TPVM if running, and take the snapshot of the TPVM. The backup operation is used later to restore / revert this TPVM.

SLX# tpvm snapshot create
SLX# tpvm snapshot create tpvmid TPVM


  1. The current implementation of the TPVM configuration should not be edited before restore / revert operations. If edited, the TPVM configuration and the persisted values will differ.
  2. The snapshot is not taken for the TPVM any additional disk such as vdb (/apps). But only the TPVM image (RootFS) is taken.
  3. Only one snapshot is kept.
  4. It stop TPVM if running, it will not re-start the TPVM instance.

Example 2) This example describes the snapshot TPVM along with upgrade TPVM. After download of new image file for upgrade, It will collect the snapshot of any TPVM in running or installed state, then perform deploy of the new image, if SLX-OS running-configuration, previously has deployed TPVM.

SLX#  tpvm upgrade protocol scp host directory /folder/to/debian  filename tpvm-4.2.5-1.amd64.deb  user mylogin password mypasswd  snapshot

Example 3) This example describes the show configuration and if there is any previous existing TPVM snapshot.

SLX# show tpvm snapshot

Sample output:
Domain name: TPVM
Domain version: 4.2.4
Snapshot time: Mon Jun 21 19:50:58 GMT 2021
Snapshot size: 4.4G

Example 4) This example describes the delete snapshot, if any.

SLX# tpvm snapshot delete

Example 5) This example describes the revert to restore snapshot versions of TPVM.

SLX# tpvm snapshot revert


The above example is like TPVM reboot operation. It can stop and uninstall currently running TPVM, if any. It replaces the backedup snapshot version of the TPVM and restarts the TPVM. The TPVM reboots with its own copy of configurations available at the RootFS. The SLX-OS running-configuration is not applied to the TPVM during revert. Hence do not update any configurations, if revert is planned and update it post revert.