device# certutil import sshkey directory /root/.ssh/ file host login root password pass protocol SCP user admin
device# certutil sshkey user admin pubkey “ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQ Dnim+Ofjx/id3z2jDxXu9DcMuQqVq/NKi2Lms+q7dA5Dqww8jlrOGawG8tMySOvnB1ZEvJt1kqNneRi4l6Ot4/7hfd 99rIOPGBP/NJs6xTLUrQhDgxB78ddTg+6euBtkYLTAaTC7kbXGXcO8VVB9+4xrH+0bkvjU9RRvGJguUfdiFKEfIGVOy t0atdHi1dmgQ9BE0cO65nc/i9MjMJedBe174/QT4TxeGeEgaQ57c2AL5It2V4CzrZBDtnixdnHUO5w2vmBR61LZIDVT1 fuX/xYxDAm9H8SDpDX8pZlfFpQBy/wrkIYPZ/p4OLrUApB/XAJGujrlNlZLEu9U9MPVM/”
After the public key is imported or copied for a user, password-based authentication becomes a fallback option for that particular user. This user can log in using the public key. If a user tries to log in from a device on which the public key is not present, then the user is prompted for a password. When the public key is removed for the user, only password-based authentication is enabled for that particular user.
When the public key is imported or removed, the SSH server is automatically rebooted and all active SSH connections are terminated.Password: ***********
device# 2019/01/14-10:28:58, [SEC-3050], 75, INFO, SLX9540, Event: sshutil, Status: success, Info: Imported SSH public key from for user 'admin'.
device# no certutil sshkey user admin
When the public key is imported or removed, the SSH server is automatically rebooted and all active SSH connections are terminated.