Only the local NTP server information is displayed.
When an NTP server is not configured, the device will work with local time and the NTP status will display as shown below:
device# show ntp status Clock is unsynchronized, no reference clock. NTP server mode is enabled, NTP client mode is enabled NTP master mode is disabled
The following example shows the status of a configured NTP server:
device# show ntp status Clock is synchronized, stratum 3, reference clock is precision is 2**24 reference time is CC38EC6A.8FCCA1C4 (10:10:02.561 JST Fri Jan 20 2017 ) clock offset is -1.051 msec, root delay is 174.060 msec root dispersion is 172.37 msec, peer dispersion is 0.10 msec system poll interval is 32, last update was 19 sec ago NTP server mode is enabled, NTP client mode is enabled NTP master mode is disabled, NTP master stratum is 8