Maintenance mode provides graceful traffic diversion to alternative traffic paths, helping to minimize traffic loss during such planned operations. When an alternative path is available, the BGP and MCT protocols redirect traffic away from the node that is going into maintenance mode. When maintenance mode is enabled, all protocols that are running on the maintenance mode node are notified and redirection of traffic (convergence) begins in stages.
Use the enable-on-reboot command to enable the device to come up in maintenance mode after a reboot. This process allows any network errors detected with Extreme Fabric Automation (EFA) to be addressed. After the errors have been resolved, the device can be added back to the network.
The following example enables system reboot into maintenance mode
device# configure terminal device(config)# system device(config-system)# maintenance device(config-system-maintenance)# enable-on-reboot
Use the enable parameter with a specified convergence time, to put the device into maintenance mode without a reboot.
device# configure terminal device(config)# system device(config-system)# maintenance device(config-system-maintenance)# enable device(config-system-maintenance)# convergence-time 120