Sites List

Go to Monitor > Sites to view a list of sites configured in ExtremeCloud IQ Controller. Select a site to view the site dashboard and related components.

Highlights on the Sites List:
  • Status indicates the site status:
    • the site is In-Service.
    • the site is in Critical trouble.
    • the site is unknown.
  • Name identifies the site.
  • Country indicates the licensing domain for the site.
  • Role and Network indicate the number of configured roles and networks associated with the site through the Associated Profile. Networks and roles must be associated with a configuration Profile. Topology assignment to a site is inferred from the role and network assignment in the Profile. Each device group has a configuration Profile assignment. Therefore, APs within the device group are associated with the network definition (including VLAN assignment) and the role policy definition through the configuration Profile.
  • Switches and APs indicate the number of devices of each type that are associated with the site. Furthermore, the following columns provide more information about AP association to the site:
    • Adoption Primary and Adoption Backup indicate the number of APs adopted to the Primary and Backup controller. In stand-alone mode, all APs are adopted to the Primary controller.
    • Active APs and Non Active APs indicate the number of active APs and inactive APs for the site.
  • Clients indicates the number of active clients associated with the site.