Mesh Point Network Diagram

View a diagram of your mesh network from the Monitor workbench. Go to Monitor > Networks > Mesh Points and select a mesh point network.
  • To display Node Information, select the AP node.
    Click to expand in new window
    Mesh Node Information
    Mesh node details: AP Name, Serial number, IP Address, Nexthop Change Count
    AP Name
    Serial Number
    AP Serial Number
    IP Address
    IP Address of the AP
    Nexthop Change Count
    (Displayed for non-root APs with an active link.) Indicates how often the uplink has changed. This value indicates link stability. A stable value that does not increment during the service period is preferred.
  • To display Link Information, select the line connecting the nodes. Bi-directional link information is displayed.
    Click to expand in new window
    Mesh Link Information
    Mesh link details include indicators of link stability.
    Table 1. Mesh Link Information Fields
    Field Range Description Directional Notes
    AP1 AP2
    RSS (dBm) -1 to -127 dBm Received Signal Strength Packets from AP1, detected at AP2 Packets from AP2, detected at AP1
    SNR 0 to 127 Signal-to-Noise Ratio Packets from AP1, detected at AP2 Packets from AP2, detected at AP1
    Tx Rate (bps)

    (Bits per second)

    0 to 4398 Gbps

    (Gigabits per second)

    Moving Average of Tx PHY Rate Tx Rate of packets from AP1, detected at AP2 Tx Rate of packets from AP2, detected at AP1
    Tx Packets 0 to 4294967295 Count of Tx packets. Number of Tx packets from AP1 to AP2 Number of Tx packets from AP2 to AP1
    Tx Errors

    0 to 4294967295

    Count of Tx error packets Packet errors from AP1, detected at AP2 Packet errors from AP2, detected at AP1
    Tx Retries

    0 to 4294967295

    Count of Tx retried packets Number of Tx packet retries from AP1 to AP2 Number of Tx packet retries from AP2 to AP1
    Lmet 0 to 8191 Cost Metric of Link to neighbor AP. Lower value is better. Cost of Link derived from packets that are sent from AP1 and received at AP2 Cost of Link derived from packets that are sent from AP2 and received at AP1
    Rmet 0 to 8191 Cost Metric of neighbor AP's path to Root AP. Lower value is better. Cost Metric reported in MCX packets sent from AP1 to AP2 Cost Metric reported in MCX packets sent from AP2 to AP1
    Pmet 0 to 16382 Cost of Path to Root AP when the AP uses a neighbor AP as a parent AP. A lower value is preferred.

    With an active link, the AP periodically checks the threshold. Mesh ACS is triggered when the value measures below the defined threshold, initiating a new nexthop. The default threshold is 1500. Use this value to determine link stability.

    Pmet = Lmet + Rmet Pmet = Lmet + Rmet
The Neighbors indicator button displays possible paths between APs.
Click to expand in new window
Neighbors Indicator on Mesh Point Diagram
Neighbors indicator can display or hide possible paths between APs.
Move around the diagram using the following tools:
  • Navigate the network diagram using the arrow buttons.
    Click to expand in new window
    Navigation Buttons
  • Zoom in and out using the zoom buttons.
    Click to expand in new window
    Zoom Buttons
  • To center the diagram, select .
  • To refresh the diagram, select .
  • To jump to the Mesh Point Network Configuration Settings, select .