Visualize a Query



The Logs page does not support visualization.

To visualize your query:

  1. Select .
  2. Select the column with the data element you want displayed.
  3. Select Render.
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Channel Assignment for AP410i-CAN associated with Site Thornhill
Visualize rendering:Channel Assignment for AP410i-CAN associated with Site Thornhill.

The pie chart in Channel Assignment for AP410i-CAN associated with Site Thornhill shows selected APs by channel assignment. The query filters all AP410i-CAN access points that are associated with site Thornhill. This column selection is preserved after you log out. You can access this information again when you log in.

For results with more than 10 items, the chart includes pages, and the percentage calculation reflects the global total.
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AP count by model number
Pie chart displaying AP count by model number.