External Captive Portal Settings

An external captive portal resides on a separate server. Configure the following settings for an external captive portal.

Table 1. External Captive Portal Settings
Field Description
ECP URL URL address for the external captive portal.

When integrating with ExtremeCloud™ A3, the URL format is:

https://<VIP of A3>/Extreme::XCC

Walled Garden Rules Select Walled Garden Rules to configure policy rules for the external captive portal.
Identity (Optional) Determines the name common to both the ExtremeCloud IQ Controller and the external Web server if you want to encrypt the information passed between the ExtremeCloud IQ Controller and the external Web server. Required for signing the redirected URL. If you do not configure the Identity, the redirector on the AP drops the traffic.
Shared Secret (Optional) The password that is used to validate the connection between the client and the RADIUS server.
Use HTTPS for connection Indicates that the connection will be secure with HTTPS.
Send Successful Login To Indicates destination of authenticated user. Valid values are:
  • Original Destination. The destination of the original request.
  • Custom URL. Provide the URL address.