CWA Policy Redirection Role

To configure a policy role with at least one redirection rule:
  1. Go to Configure > Policy > Role > Add.
  2. Create a new role.
  3. Select Layer 3/Layer4 and configure the parameters for a redirect rule that works with CWA captive portal. See Rule Configuration for Layer3/Layer4 Redirection Rules.
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Example Redirection Role on ExtremeCloud IQ Controller that includes six L3/L4 rules
A policy role with L3/L4 rules that redirect traffic to the CWA captive portal.
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Redirect-80 rule redirects HTTP traffic from Port 80
Example of a redirection rule that redirects HTTP traffic from Port 80.
Table 1. Rule Configuration for Layer3/Layer4 Redirection Rules
Field Description
Name Provide a name for the rule. Example: Redirect-80 that redirects traffic on HTTP port 80.
Action Redirect
Protocol TCP
IP/Subnet User-Defined. Then specify the IP address of the captive portal.
Port Include at least one rule for HTTP port 80 or HTTPS port 443