Default Groups Provided with Your Installation

The following Access Control system groups are provided with the ExtremeCloud IQ Controller installation by default.
  • Blacklist. A list of MAC addresses that are prohibited from accessing the network.
  • Registered Guests. A list of MAC addresses that have been granted access to the network via the Guest captive portal.
  • Registration Denied Access. A list of MAC addresses that have been denied access to the network.
  • Registration Pending Access. A list of MAC addresses that are waiting permission to access to the network.
  • Web Authenticated Users. A list of MAC addresses that have been granted access to the network via the Authenticated captive portal.
  • DFNDR_PolicyGeneration. Default Group created for Extreme Defender Application. Allows Defender Policy Generator to move clients to and from build roles.
In addition, the following Device Type groups are provided with your ExtremeCloud IQ Controller installation:
  • Windows
  • Windows Mobile
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • iPhone
  • BlackBerry
  • Android
  • Windows
  • Mobile Game Console
  • Chrome OS

You cannot delete system groups.