About Client Monitor

The client monitor tool helps identify and troubleshoot issues clients typically encounter when associating with an AP, authenticating, and accessing the network.

The Issue List window provides a list of all the issues that wireless clients face within the time frame defined in the graph at the top of the window, and the issue type and issue status filters also defined at the top of the table. For each issue, the table shows the following details:

You can search for a particular client host name or MAC address by entering a full or partial text string. You can also use the Filter Toggle on the left side of the screen to filter the lists by device and location.

Issue cards below the Unique Clients experiencing issues header provide a high-level view of the type and number of issues wireless clients are experiencing during the period defined in the timeline. At a glance, you can see how many issues clients are having in the areas of Association, Authentication, and Networking.