Configuring an IPv6 address on the SLX platform

Following are the basic pre-requisites for configuring an IPv6 address on the SLX platform:
  • PC connected to the serial port of the device.
  • IPv6 network assignment with a netmask and router address from the network administrators. This will generally be a /64 network.


If you are provided an IPv6 prefix with a /65 to /128 net mask, assign the addresses according to your network administrator's direction, and do NOT follow this procedure.

To configure IPv6 addresses, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter the show system command to know the STACK MAC and the BURNED IN MAC.
    device# show system
    Stack MAC               : 60:9c:9f:60:88:00
      -- UNIT 0 --
    Unit Name               : 9450
    Switch Status           :
    Hardware Rev            :
    Up Time                 : up 21:00
    Current Time            : 23:08:49 GMT
    SLX-OS Version          : 18x.1.00
    Jumbo Capable           : yes
    Burned In MAC           : 60:9c:9f:46:e2:06
    Management IP           :
    Management Port Status  : UP

    The MAC addresses are used to create the IPv6 SLAAC address for the following mapping:

    • Stack MAC - IPv6 address for chassis virtual-ipv6.
  2. Convert each MAC address to a modified EUI-64 format, and then into the final IPv6 address for the interfaces by performing the following steps:
    1. Remove any punctuation from the MAC.
    2. Insert fffe after the first 6 characters.
    3. Using a calculator application in HEX Mode on a PC, do a Bitwise OR operation of the modified MAC with 0200000000000000.
    4. Convert the result to IPv6 format by inserting colons after every 4 characters from the right hand side.
    5. Prepare the IPv6 network information for use. This example uses a sample network of 2001:DB8::/32 provided by the Admin.
      • Normalize the address to a fully expanded format.
      • Remove the cider notation.
      • Remove the host portion of the address based on a /64 netmask.
      • Contract the remaining portion of the address of any leading zeros.
    6. Combine the IPv6 network prefix from step 2e and the result of step 2d to make the IPv6 address.
    7. Repeat steps 2a to 2f for each MAC address.
  3. Apply the addresses to the appropriate interfaces and configure the default route using the router address provided by the network administrator.