Additional Common Link Topology Examples

Basic Core Topology

Basic Core Topology shows a core topology with two access rings. In this topology, there are two EAPS (Extreme Automatic Protection Switching) common links.

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Basic Core Topology

Right-Angle Topology

In the right-angle topology, there are still two EAPS common links, but the common links are adjacent to each other.

To configure a right-angle topology, there must be two common links configured on one of the switches. Right-Angle Topology shows a right-angle topology.

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Right-Angle Topology

Combined Basic Core and Right-Angle Topology

Basic Core and Right Angle Topology shows a combination basic core and right-angle topology.

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Basic Core and Right Angle Topology

Advanced Basic Core and Right Angle Topology shows an extension of the basic core and right angle configuration.

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Advanced Basic Core and Right Angle Topology

Large Core and Access Ring Topology

Large Core and Access Ring Topology shows a single large core ring with multiple access rings hanging off of it. This is an extension of a basic core configuration.

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Large Core and Access Ring Topology