To configure the relay function:
As in DHCPv4, when you create an IPV6 VLAN interface, the corresponding disabledV6VlanList has an entry. The VLAN interface entry is removed whenever the bootpRelayv6 for the respective VLAN is enabled, and vice versa.Note
Use the configure bootprelay ipv6 option interface-id InterfaceIDName vlan {vlan_name} command to set up a unique interface-id. It can be MAC-ID, or port-vlan combination. You can also use this command to set up dhcpv6 server/next hop for each VLAN interface, or across VR. A configuration applied to the VR level is populated to all VLAN V6 interfaces.
When VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) and BOOTP/DHCP relay are both enabled on the switch, the relayed BOOTP agent IP address is the actual switch IP address, not the virtual IP address.