Creating Processes

The following commands allow you to add a process. The process can be a C executable compiled using the C-based SDK or a Python module. You upload it to /usr/local/cfg using the normal mechanisms (for example, TFTP).

To create a C-executable process, use the command:

create process name executable exe {start [auto | on-demand]} {vr vr-name} {description description} {arg1 {arg2 { arg3 { arg4 { arg5 { arg6 { arg7 { arg8 { arg9 }}}}}}}}}

To create a Python module, use the command:

create process name python-module python-module {start [auto | on-demand]} {vr vr-name} {description description} {arg1 {arg2 {arg3 {arg4 {arg5 {arg6 {arg7 {arg8 {arg9}}}}}}}}}