New switches are master-capable by default. To turn off master capability for a switch, use the following command: configure stacking node-address address master-capability offInstructions for physically setting up the stack are provided in ExtremeSwitching and Summit Switches: Hardware Installation Guide for Switches Using ExtremeXOS 21.1 or Later.
To complete the cabling, you must first install any option cards you plan to use.Note
On new switches, stacking-support is disabled by default.Note
If the stack will use MPLS, only the following switch types can act as master and backup: Summit X460-G2, X670-G2, and X770; Extreme Switching X690 or X870.* switch1 > > show stacking stack-ports Stack Topology is a Ring Slot Port Select Node MAC Address Port State Flags Speed ---- ---- ------ ----------------- ----------- ----- ----- *1 1 Native 00:04:96:52:57:ab Operational C- 20G *1 2 Native 00:04:96:52:57:ab Operational C- 20G 2 1 Native 00:04:96:7e:00:6e Link Down C- 20G 2 2 Native 00:04:96:7e:00:6e No-Neighbor C- 20G 3 1 Native 00:04:96:51:ea:18 Operational C- 20G 3 2 Native 00:04:96:51:ea:18 Operational CB 20G 4 1 Native 00:04:96:36:52:61 Operational CB 20G 4 2 Native 00:04:96:36:52:61 Operational C- 20G 5 1 Native 00:04:96:52:57:b8 Operational C- 20G 5 2 Native 00:04:96:52:57:b8 Operational C- 20G * - Indicates this node Flags: (C) Control path is active, (B) Port is Blocked
All switches must have stacking-support enabled, but stacking disabled, before you run Easy Setup.
* switch1 > show stacking configuration Stack MAC in use: <unknown> Node Slot Alternate Alternate MAC Address Cfg Cur Prio Mgmt IP / Mask Gateway Flags Lic ------------------ --- --- ---- ------------------ --------------- --------- --- *00:04:96:52:57:ab 1 1 5 <none> <none> CcEe--iNn -- 00:04:96:7e:00:6e 2 2 1 <none> <none> --Ee--iNn -- 00:04:96:51:ea:18 3 3 2 <none> <none> --Ee--iNn -- 00:04:96:36:52:61 4 4 3 <none> <none> --Ee--iNn -- 00:04:96:52:57:b8 5 5 4 <none> <none> CcEe--iNn -- * - Indicates this node Flags: (C) master-Capable in use, (c) master-capable is configured, (E) Stacking is currently Enabled, (e) Stacking is configured Enabled, (M) Stack MAC in use, (m) Stack MACs configured and in use are the same, (i) Stack MACs configured and in use are not the same or unknown, (N) Enhanced protocol is in use, (n) Enhanced protocol is configured, (-) Not in use or not configured License level restrictions: (C) Core, (A) Advanced edge, or (E) Edge in use, (c) Core, (a) Advanced edge, or (e) Edge configured, (-) Not in use or not configured
If a switch is enabled for stacking (shown by a capital letter E in the Flags column), issue the command disable stacking node-address mac_address. Then reboot the switch.
You have not yet configured all required stacking parameters. Would you like to perform an easy setup for stacking operation? (y/N)
Entering y invokes Easy Setup. All of the switches reboot automatically and form a stack with a master node and a backup node. The rest of the switches in the new stack become standby nodes.
Easy Setup configures all other required stacking parameters for every switch in the stack.
To bypass Easy Setup (not recommended), respond n and follow the steps in Manually Configuring a Stack.