Viewing system optical monitoring defaults

The following example command will display the defaults for type 1GLR SFPs:

device# show defaults threshold sfp type 1GLR
Type: 1GLR      
|            |     High Threshold      |     Low Threshold       | Buffer |
| Area       | Value | Above  | Below  | Value     |  Below      | Value  |
|            |       | Action | Action |           |  Action     |        |
| Temp C     |    90 | raslog | none   |        -45|  raslog     |       0|
| RXP uWatts |   501 | raslog | none   |          6|  raslog     |       0|
| TXP uWatts |   794 | raslog | none   |         71|  raslog     |       0|
| Current mA |    45 | raslog | none   |          1|  raslog     |       0|
| Voltage mV |  3700 | raslog | none   |       2900|  raslog     |       0|