Configuring the gRPC telemetry server

  1. In privileged EXEC mode, enter configure terminal.
    device# configure terminal
  2. Enter telemetry server, with the option of specifying a VRF other than the default mgmt-vrf.
    • (Default) mgmt-vrf
      device(config)# telemetry server
    • Other VRF
      device(config)# telemetry server use-vrf blue_vrf
  3. To specify a port other than the default 50051, enter the port command.
    device(config-server-mgmt-vrf)# port 50000
  4. Enter activate.
    device(config-server-mgmt-vrf)# activate
  5. Verify the telemetry server status with the do show telemetry server status command. The active sessions displayed are initiated by gRPC clients with associated telemetry profiles.
    device(config-server-mgmt-vrf)# do show telemetry server status
    Telemetry Server running on port 50051, with VRF mgmt-vrf and transport as tcp.
    Active Sessions:
    Client            Profiles Streamed                      Interval   Uptime      Last Streamed
    ------            -------------------                    ---------  ----------  ---------------
    ClientIP1/Host1   default_interface_statistics           120 sec    05/10:23    2017-01-15: :05:07:33
                      default_system_utilization_statistics  300 sec    05/10:23    2017-01-15: :05:07:33
    ClientIP2/Host2   default_system_utilization_statistics  300 sec    05/10:23    2017-01-15: :05:07:33
  6. Verify the telemetry server configuration with the do show running-configuration telemetry server command.
    device(config-server-mgmt-vrf)# do show running-configuration telemetry server
    telemetry server
      transport tcp
      port 50051


The following is a complete telemetry server configuration example.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# telemetry server
device(config-server-mgmt-vrf)# activate
device(config-server-mgmt-vrf)# do show telemetry server status

Telemetry Server running on port 50051, with VRF mgmt-vrf and transport as tcp.

Active Sessions:
Client            Profiles Streamed                      Interval   Uptime      Last Streamed
------            -------------------                    ---------  ----------  ---------------
ClientIP1/Host1   default_interface_statistics           120 sec    05/10:23    2017-01-15: :05:07:33
                  default_system_utilization_statistics  300 sec    05/10:23    2017-01-15: :05:07:33

ClientIP2/Host2   default_system_utilization_statistics  300 sec    05/10:23    2017-01-15: :05:07:33
device(config-server-mgmt-vrf)# do how running-configuration telemetry server

telemetry server
  transport tcp
  port 50051