Modifying a Path

Complete the following steps to delete a node from the sf_to_sj path defined in Setting up Paths
  1. Configure the device
    device# configure
  2. Enable the MPLS router.
    device#(config)# router mpls
  3. Identify path.
    device(config-router-mpls)# path sf_to_sj
  4. Delete selected path.
    device(config-router-mpls-path)# no hop
    In this example, the path is deleted.
  5. Exit current level.
    device(config-router- mpls-path)# exit

The following example deletes the hop

device# configure
device#(config)# router mpls
device(config-router-mpls)# path sf_to_sj
device(config-router-mpls-path)# no hop
device(config-router-mpls-path)# exit