
Reset the platform to reload system parameters from the most recently saved configuration file.


Command Parameters


Cancels a delayed switch reset. You must issue this command before the delay reset timer expires.

Creates an ssio core file and a cbcp-main.x core file before resetting the switch.
-in WORD<1-7>

Specifies the time interval, in days, hours, or minutes to wait before the switch resets. After the timer expires, the device restarts from the saved configuration file.

The syntax for the timer is [d: ] [hh: ]mm where days and hours are optional. If you specify a single number, like 45, the switch interprets that as minutes. If you specify two numbers separated by a colon (3:15), the switch interprets that as hours and minutes. If you specify three numbers separated by colons (4:3:15), the switch interprets that as days, hours, and minutes.

Values for hours and minutes must use two digits. For example, for 7 hours and 1 minute, use 07:01 and not 7:1. You can specify a value of 00 for hours or minutes; 2:00:00 indicates a reset in 2 days.

The maximum value is 9:23:59 (9 days, 23 hours, and 59 minutes).

Suppresses the confirmation message before the switch resets. If you omit this parameter, you must confirm the action before the switch resets.



Command Mode

Privileged EXEC