Multiple Management IP Networks

EFA is supported on multiple management IP networks and routes, providing access to EFA from servers that are on different subnets.


The Multiple Management IP (MMIP) Networks feature offers the following support:
  • Supports single node and multi-node deployments
  • Supports TPVM deployments, server-based deployments, and VM-based deployments
  • Supports the configuration of additional management IP networks and routes during EFA installation
  • Supports adding and viewing management networks and routes after EFA installation
  • Supports deleting management networks and routes after EFA installation
  • Supports the migration of the multiple network configuration during the following EFA upgrade scenarios: single node to multi-node and multi-node to multi-node
  • Supports up to 6 networks
  • Supports the RMA, backup, restore, and upgrade functions


If you do not need multiple management networks, simply reply "no" when prompted during EFA installation or upgrade. For instructions, see the installation and upgrade topics in the Extreme Fabric Automation Deployment Guide, 3.0.0 .
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MMIP architecture
The SLX device is on subnet, server 1 is on subnet, and server 2 is on subnet
