Create a Tenant VRF for Single Rack Small Data Center Leaf Pair Deployment

Before you begin

Everything about the VRF remains as it is except for the Centralized Routing usecase on Single Rack Small Data Center Leaf Pair Deployment.


  1. Create a VRF on Multi Rack Small Data Center or Multi Stage Clos Deployment.
  2. Create a VRF on Single Rack Small Data Center Border-Leaf Pair Deployment.
  3. Create a VRF on Single Rack Small Data Center Leaf Pair Deployment (single-rack-deployment = No).
  4. Create a VRF on Single Rack Small Data Center Leaf Pair Deployment (single-rack-deployment = Yes).
    1. Create VRF on Distributed Router.
    2. Create VRF on Centralized Router.
      • During the creation of CR VRF, the single leaf rack will be considered as the designated CRs (Centralized Routers).
      • VRF will be instantiated as the CR (Centralized Router) VRF as input by the user and not DR (Distributed Router).