Administratively Manage a Device State

You can administratively manage the state of an SLX device using the EFA command line.

About this task

You can change a state to up or down, delete a state from the history, and view the state history and the current state. For details about the command and its parameters, see the Extreme Fabric Automation Command Reference, 3.0.0 .


  1. To change a device to the up state, run the following command.
    $ efa inventory admin-state up --ip <device IP>
    AdminStateUp [success]
    Admin State Up execution UUID: 8d9fa0cf-dc76-42cc-ac7a-57902a47c1b2
    This example changes the state for the specified IP address and generates a UUID, which you can use in the efa inventory admin-state detail version of the command.
  2. To change a device to the down state, run the following command.
    $ efa inventory admin-state down --ip <device IP>
    AdminStateDown [success]
    Admin State Down execution UUID: 28eb0845-7a7a-4851-b453-b3020c6900f2
    This example changes the state for the specified IP address and generates a UUID, which you can use in the efa inventory admin-state detail version of the command.
  3. To review the details of a state change, run the following command.
    $ efa inventory admin-state detail --uuid 28eb0845-7a7a-4851-b453-b3020c6900f2
  4. To view the history of the admin changes for a specified device, run the following command.
    # efa inventory admin-state history --ip <device IP>
  5. To display the admin state and the health check state of a device, run the following command.
    $ efa inventory admin-state show --ip <device IP>
  6. To delete the instance of the admin state change for a device, run the following command.
    $ efa inventory admin-state delete --key <device IP or UUID>