Configure Route Map on devices


  1. Run the following command to configure the route map with one or more rules:
    efa policy route-map create ?
          --name string           Name of route-map
          --rule stringArray      Rule in format seq[seq-num],action[permit/deny]

    Following is an example of creating a route map rmap_1 with two rules:

    efa policy route-map create –-name rmap_1 –-rule seq[5],action[permit] –-rule seq[10],action[permit]
  2. Run the following command to update the route map configuration on a list of devices:
    The update command configures the route-map on device, removes configuration from a device or updates action of route-maps.
    efa policy route-map update ?
          --name string      Name of route-map
          --rule string      Rule in format seq[seq-num],action[permit/deny]
          --operation string Valid options are add-device, remove-device, update-action
          --ip string        Comma separated range of device IP addresses. Example:,,

    You can associate a route map with multiple rules.

    The add-device operation adds all the rules of the route map on the specified devices.

    The delete-device operation deletes all the rules of the route map on the specified devices.



    The delete-device operation fails if the route map is bound to any BGP neighbor.

    For an update-action operation, specify the route map name and the rule. You can modify the action to permit or deny for a specific rule. You can provide only one rule at a time.

    Following are the examples of route map configuration update:

    1. Add device: Configures a route map rule on devices and Assume there are two route map rules for a map named rmap_1 that already exists in EFA:
      • rmap_1 seq 5 action permit
      • rmap_1 seq 10 action permit
      efa policy route-map update –-name rmap_l –-operation add-device --ip
    2. Delete device: Removes route map from the specified devices:
      efa policy route-map update –-name rmap_l –-operation delete-device --ip
    3. Update action: Changes the action from permit to deny for the specified rule
      efa policy route-map update –-name rmap_l –-rule seq[5],action[deny] –-operation update-action
    1. Verify the switch configuration on the SLX device.
      Example 1
      SLX# show running-config route-map
      route-map rmap_1 permit 5
      Example 2
      SLX# show running-config route-map
      route-map rmap_1 permit 5
      route-map rmap_1 permit 10
      Example 3
      SLX# show running-config route-map
      route-map rmap_1 deny 5
      route-map rmap_1 permit 10
  3. Run the following command to create route map match criteria:

    The IPv4 prefix list is the only match supported.

    efa policy route-map-match create ?
          --name string              Name of route-map
          --rule string              Rule in format seq[seq-num],action[permit/deny]
          --match-ipv4-prefix string IPv4 prefix-list name

    Following is an example of route map match create in IPv4:

    efa policy route-map-match create –-name rmap_1 –-rule seq[5],action[permit] --match-ipv4-prefix prefix_1
    1. Verify the switch configuration on the SLX device.
      SLX# show running-config route-map
      route-map rmap_1 permit 5
      match ip address prefix-list prefix_1
  4. Run the following command to remove the route map match criteria:

    The IPv4 prefix list is the only match supported.

    efa policy route-map-match delete ?
          --name string              Name of route-map
          --rule string              Rule in format seq[seq-num],action[permit/deny]
          --match-ipv4-prefix string IPv4 prefix-list name

    Following is an example of route map match delete in IPv4:

    efa policy route-map-match delete –-name rmap_1 –-rule seq[5],action[permit]
    1. Verify the switch configuration on the SLX device.
      SLX# show running-config route-map
      route-map rmap_1 permit 5
  5. Run the following command to display the route map for a list of devices:

    In the command output, the App State column reflects the state of configuration on the specified device. When there is drift in a rule, the App State is shown as cfg-refreshed.

    efa policy route-map list ?
          --ip string        Comma separated range of device IP addresses. Example:,,


    efa policy route-map list –-ip  
    Route-map details: 
    Name: rmap_1 
    Seq: 5 
    Action: permit 
        Prefix-list: prefix_1 
    Name: rmap_2 
    Seq: 5 
    Action: permit 
        Prefix-list: prefix_1 
    IP Addresses: 
    |     Name     | Seq |  IP Address   |     App State     | 
    | rmap_1       |  5  |  |    cfg-in-sync    | 
    | rmap_1       |  5  |  |    cfg-in-sync    | 
    | rmap_2       |  5  |  |    cfg-in-sync    | 
    | rmap_2       |  5  |  |    cfg-in-sync    | 
  6. Run the following command to delete a route map and the associated rules on the devices:
    efa policy route-map delete ?
           --name stringArray      Name of route-map
           --seq string            Sequence numbers. For example 5,10,20, or all

    The command removes the route map rule from the EFA database and from the associated devices.

    You can delete a specific rule of a route map by specifying the route map name and the sequence number of the rule.

    You can delete all the route map rules for a specific route map name by specifying the sequence number as "all".

    The result of this command depends on whether the route map is bound with a BGP neighbor.
    • If the route map is bound to BGP peer, you cannot delete the last route map rule.
    • If the route map has no bindings, the command deletes the configuration on all devices associated with the route map.

    Following example deletes two rules with sequence numbers 5 and 10 from a route map (rmap_1) that has three rules:

    • rmap_1 seq 5 action permit
    • rmap_1 seq 10 action permit
    • rmap_1 seq 20 action permit
      efa policy route-map delete –-name rmap_l –-seq 5,10
    1. Verify the switch configuration on the SLX device.
      SLX1# show running-config route-map rmap_1
      route-map rmap_1 permit 20