Fabric Settings to Update BGP MD5 Password, BGP Dynamic Peer Listen Limit, and Single Rack Deployment

Use the fabric settings to update BGP MD5 password using --md5-password and --md5-password-enable. Update the BGP dynamic peer listen limit using --bgp-dynamic-peer-listen-limit. A setting to denote a single rack or multi-rack deployment --single-rack-deployment is added under fabric setting. You can update these settings after fabric is configured.

For details on BGP MD5 Authentication, see Extreme Fabric Automation Security Guide, 3.0.0 .

The following is an example of output from the Rack Low Density L3 backup and efa fabric setting show --name --advanced command.


| Rack Low Density L3 backup     | 0/30                        |
| port (not applicable to        |                             |
| SLX-9250)                      |                             |
| Rack Low Density MCT Ports     | 0/19,0/22                   |
| Configure Overlay Gateway      | Yes                         |
| VNI Auto Map                   | Yes                         |
| Backup Routing Enable          | Yes                         |
| Backup Routing IPv4 Range      |               |
| Backup Routing IPv6 Range      | fd40:4040:4040:1::/120      |
| MD5 Password Enable            | Yes                         |
| MD5 Password                   | $9$9Yc+EqhoseRMPh9fDhk9TQ== |
| BGP Dynamic Peer Listen Limit  | 101                         |


# efa fabric setting show  --name fabric1 --advanced
|              NAME              |            VALUE            |
| Fabric Name                    | fabric1                     |
| Link IP Range                  |               |
| Loopback IP Range              |             |
| Loopback Port Number           | 1                           |
| VTEP Loopback Port Number      | 2                           |
| Rack ASN Block                 | 4200000000-4200065534       |
| Rack Border Leaf ASN Block     | 4200065535-4200065635       |
| Single Rack Deployment         | Yes                         |
| P2P IP Type                    | numbered                    |
| Any cast MAC                   | 0201.0101.0101              |
| IPV6 Any cast MAC              | 0201.0101.0102              |
| MAC Aging Timeout              | 1800                        |
| MAC Aging Conversational       | 300                         |
| Timeout                        |                             |
| MAC Move Limit                 | 20                          |
| Duplicate MAC Timer            | 5                           |
| Duplicate MAC Timer MAX Count  | 3                           |
| BFD Enable                     | Yes                         |
| BFD Tx                         | 400                         |
| BFD Rx                         | 400                         |
| BFD Multiplier                 | 5                           |
| BGP MultiHop                   | 4                           |
| MaxPaths                       | 8                           |
| AllowAsIn                      | 0                           |
| MTU                            | 9216                        |
| IPMTU                          | 9100                        |
| MCT Link IP Range              |               |
| MCT PortChannel                | 64                          |
| LACP Timeout                   | short                       |
| Control Vlan                   | 4090                        |
| Control VE                     | 4090                        |
| Rack L3 Backup IP Range        |               |
| Rack Underlay EBGP Peer Group  | underlay-ebgp-group         |
| Rack Overlay EBGP Peer Group   | overlay-ebgp-group          |
| Rack L3 backup port            | 0/48                        |
| Rack MCT Ports                 | 0/46,0/47                   |