Certificate Expiry and Renewal

Notifications for EFA Certificate Expiry

EFA is shipped with self-signed certificates. You can also install third-party certificates. When these certificates expire, EFA will not be operational.

This service periodically checks the expiration status of certificates that the system generates and sends notifications when a certificate gets close to its expiration date.

A warning message is displayed if a certificate is going to expire in 30 days from EFA timestamp. If you do not renew the certificates within 7 days of expiry, a warning message is displayed on every login to the EFA CLI.

Following is a sample notification message if the certificate is going to expire in 30 days:

{"@time":"2022-04-06T23:59:12.924962 IST","level":"info","msg":"Handling AppNotificationEvent: \u0026{EventHeader:{EventID:APP_NTF.App_Event PublishTime:2022-04-06T23:59:12+05:30 Auth:{Basic:\u003cnil\u003e Token:\u003cnil\u003e} RequestID:} AppName:auth Severity:critical DeviceIP: Message:The certificate for 'EFA' will expire on '2022-04-08 14:43:43 +0530 IST'.}"}

Following is a sample warning message if the certificate is going to expire in 7 days:

(efa:extreme)extreme@tpvm:/apps/test/certs$ efa login
Login successful.
Warning: The certificate for 'EFA' will expire on '2022-04-08 14:43:43 +0530 IST'.
--- Time Elapsed: 5.532391719s ---

EFA Certificate Renewal

When you get a certificate expiry notification, run the following command to renew a certificate. This is not applicable if the third-party certificates are installed on the system.

(efa:extreme)extreme@tpvm:/apps$ efa certificate server renew
Certificate renewal is successful
--- Time Elapsed: 33.516064167s ---