Configure IPv6 ND on a Tenant Network

About this task

The feature lets you configure ipv6 nd attributes per tenant network (ctag). IPv6 ND attributes are MTU, M flag, O flag and Prefixes.

You can configure IPv6 ND attributes using EPG (Endpoint Group) create or EPG update ctag-range-add, vrf-add, and anycast-ip-add operations.


  1. Configure IPv6 ND during EPG Create.
    efa tenant epg create --name <epg-name> --tenant <tenant-name> 
                   --ipv6-nd-mtu <ipv6-mtu> 
                   --ipv6-nd-managed-config <true | false> 
                   --ipv6-nd-other-config <true | false> 
                   --ipv6-nd-prefix <ctag:list-of-prefix>
                   --ipv6-nd-prefix-valid-lifetime <ctag,prefix:validTime>
                   --ipv6-nd-prefix-preferred-lifetime <ctag,prefix:preferredTime>
                   --ipv6-nd-prefix-no-advertise <ctag,prefix:noadvertiseflag>
                   --ipv6-nd-prefix-config-type <ctag,prefix:configType(no-autoconfig| no-onlink | off-link)>
  2. Configure IPv6 ND during EPG Update.
    efa tenant epg update --name <epg-name> --tenant <tenant-name> 
                   --operation <ctag-range-add | vrf-add | anycast-ip-add> --ctag-range <ctag-range> --vrf <vrf-name>
                   --anycast-ip <ctag:anycast-ip> --anycast-ipv6 <ctag:anycast-ipv6>
                   --ipv6-nd-mtu <ipv6-mtu> 
                   --ipv6-nd-managed-config <true | false> 
                   --ipv6-nd-other-config <true | false> 
                   --ipv6-nd-prefix <ctag:list-of-prefix>
                   --ipv6-nd-prefix-valid-lifetime <ctag,prefix:validTime>
                   --ipv6-nd-prefix-preferred-lifetime <ctag,prefix:preferredTime>
                   --ipv6-nd-prefix-no-advertise <ctag,prefix:noadvertiseflag>
                   --ipv6-nd-prefix-config-type <ctag,prefix:configType(no-autoconfig| no-onlink | off-link)>


    efa tenant show
    |   Name   |  Type   | VLAN Range | L2VNI Range | L3VNI Range | VRF Count | Enable BD |        Ports         |
    | vlanTen1 | private |   11-20    |             |             |    10     |   false   |[0/1-10] |
    |          |         |            |             |             |           |           |[0/1-10] |
    efa tenant vrf show
    |   Name   |  Tenant  | Routing Type | Centralized Routers | Redistribute | Max Path | Local Asn | Enable GR |       State        |  Dev State  |  App State  |
    | ten1vrf1 | vlanTen1 | distributed  |                     |  connected   |    8     |           |   false   | vrf-device-created | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |
    efa tenant epg create --name ten1epg1 --tenant vlanTen1 --port[0/1],[0/1] --switchport-mode trunk --ctag-range 11-13 
               --anycast-ip 11: --anycast-ip 12: --anycast-ip 13: 
               --ipv6-nd-mtu 12:1600 --ipv6-nd-managed-config 12:true --ipv6-nd-other-config 12:true 
               --ipv6-nd-prefix 12:1:5::/64 --ipv6-nd-prefix-valid-lifetime 12,1:5::/64:2000 --ipv6-nd-prefix-preferred-lifetime 12,1:5::/64:2000 
               --ipv6-nd-prefix 12:1:6::/64 --ipv6-nd-prefix-valid-lifetime 12,1:6::/64:2001 --ipv6-nd-prefix-preferred-lifetime 12,1:6::/64:2001 
               --vrf ten1vrf1
    efa tenant epg show
    |   Name   |  Tenant  |   Type    |       Ports       | PO | SwitchPort | Native Vlan | Ctag Range |   Vrf    | L3Vni | State |
    |          |          |           |                   |    |    Mode    |   Tagging   |            |          |       |       |
    | ten1epg1 | vlanTen1 | extension |[0/1] |    |   trunk    |    false    |   11-13    | ten1vrf1 | 8192  |       |
    |          |          |           |[0/1] |    |            |             |            |          |       |       |
    efa tenant epg show --detail
    Name          : ten1epg1
    Tenant        : vlanTen1
    Type          : extension
    State         :
    Description   :
    Ports         :[0/1]
    POs           :
    Port Property : SwitchPort Mode     : trunk
                  : Native Vlan Tagging : false
    NW Policy     : Ctag Range          : 11-13
                  : VRF                 : ten1vrf1
                  : L3Vni               : 8192
    | Ctag |          Ctag           | L2Vni | BD Name | Anycast IPv4 | Anycast IPv6 |       Local IP        | IPv6 ND |    IPv6 ND     |   IPv6 ND    |  Dev State  |  App State  |
    |      |       Description       |       |         |              |              | [Device-IP->Local-IP] |   Mtu   | Managed Config | Other Config |             |             |
    |  11  | Tenant L3 Extended VLAN |  11   |         | |              |                       |         |     false      |    false     | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |
    |  12  | Tenant L3 Extended VLAN |  12   |         | |              |                       |  1600   |      true      |     true     | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |
    |  13  | Tenant L3 Extended VLAN |  13   |         | |              |                       |         |     false      |    false     | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |
    Network Property [Flags : * - Native Vlan]
    | Ctag | IPv6 ND Prefix | No Advertise | Valid Lifetime | Preferred Lifetime | Config Type |
    |  12  |    1:5::/64    |    false     |      2000      |        2000        |             |
    |  12  |    1:6::/64    |    false     |      2001      |        2001        |             |
    IPv6 ND Prefix Flags
    For 'unstable' entities, run 'efa tenant po/vrf show' for details