Heartbeat Setting

Describes the settings for enabling heartbeat message monitoring by SLX devices.

About this task

Heartbeat monitoring is configured from a sub-context under Global Configuration.


  1. From within the Global Configuration context, issue the management-heartbeat manager command.

    The context changes to SLX(config-management-heartbeat-manage) # prompt.

    SLX(config) # management-heartbeat manager
    SLX(config-management-heartbeat-manage) #
  2. Set the heartbeat message listening threshold value. Use the threshold-value <threshold-value-in-minutes> command to configure this value.
    Use the [no] threshold-value command to reset the threshold timer value.

    This is the time duration for which the SLX device listens for a heartbeat message from EFA and on expiry of this threshold time, the device goes into a Management Operational State - Down state.

    This example sets the threshold value to thirty (30) minutes. The default value for this command is five (5) minutes.

    SLX(config-management-heartbeat-manage) # threshold-value 30

    When the no threshold-value command is used, the threshold is reverted to the default value of 5 minutes.

    SLX(config-management-heartbeat-manage) # no threshold-value
  3. Set the actions that need to be performed when the SLX device does not receive any heartbeat message for the threshold duration. Use the action command to do so.
    The action command can set the SLX device into management mode only. If no action is needed, the use the no-action command.

    When the SLX device does not receive any heartbeat message from the EFA, then it can either enter into Management Operational State - Down or perform no action.

    The following example is for configuring an action of setting the SLX device to Management Operational State - Down.

    SLX(config-management-heartbeat-manage) # action maintenance-mode-enable 

    The following example is for taking no action.

    SLX(config-management-heartbeat-manage) # action no-action
  4. Verify the configuration using the show management-heartbeat-manager command.
    The command displays the current heartbeat manager configuration.
     SLX(config-management-heartbeat-manage) # show management-heartbeat-manager
    Admin state: down 
    Operational state: up
    Threshold time: 30 minutes
    Action: Maintenance mode enable
    Time to last heartbeat: 4 minutes
    SLX(config-management-heartbeat-manage) # 
  5. Use the enable command to enable Heartbeat monitoring on the SLX device.
    SLX(config-management-heartbeat-manage) # enable
    SLX(config-management-heartbeat-manage) # show management-heartbeat-manager
    Admin state: up
    Operational state: up
    Threshold time: 30 minutes
    Action: Maintenance mode enable
    Time to last heartbeat: 30 minutes