Interface configuration mode
Management interface configuration mode
Port-channel configuration mode
Gateway IPs from multiple subnets (maximum of 32) can be configured for each FVG session. Multiple gateway IPs from the same subnet can be configured, but the number of FVG sessions for each interface remains one. One RBridge becomes the ARP responder for all the gateway IPs configured for the session.
Multiple gateway IPs are supported only for IPv4.
All restrictions for configuring an FVG gateway also apply to multiple gateway IP addresses. If IP conflicts are detected for any gateway IP configured on the session, the configuration is accepted with a RASLOG, but the session is invalidated until the conflict is resolved.
Periodic gratuitous address resolution protocol (GARP), if configured, would be sent out only for the first gateway address. When a session moves to Master, GARP is sent out for all gateway IP addresses configured on the session.
After a downgrade to an earlier version of the OS, all gateway IP configurations are removed if multiple gateway IPs are present. If only one gateway IP present, then the configuration is retained.
The following example configures a primary IP address on a specified Ethernet interface.
device(config)# interface ethernet 3/2 device(conf-if-eth-3/2)# ip address
device(config)# interface ethernet 3/2 device(conf-if-eth-3/2)# ip address secondary
The following example configures a primary IP address on a management interface.
device(config)# interface Management 0 device(config-Management-0)# no ip address device(config-Management-0)# ip address