show mvrp statistics

Displays statistics for received and transmitted MVRP messages on the MVRP-enabled interfaces.


show mvrp statistics [ interface { ethernet slot/port | port-channel number } ]


Displays the MVRP statistics for a specific MVRP-enabled interface.
ethernet slot/port
Specifies an Ethernet interface.
port-channel number
Specifies the port-channel interface.


Privileged EXEC mode

Usage Guidelines

This feature is supported on the SLX 9250, SLX 9540, SLX 9640, SLX 9740, Extreme 8720, and Extreme 8820 devices.

The show mvrp statistics command when executed without any options, displays the statistics for all MVRP-enabled interfaces. Execute the show mvrp statistics command with the interface option to display statistics of ethernet or port-channel interfaces.


The show mvrp statistics command displays the following information:

Output field Description
Port/Port-Channel Ethernet or port-channel interface.
Message type Received or transmitted MVRP message type.
New Count of new messages.
In Count of IN messages. This message type is for attributes that are not declared but registered on the interface.
Join In Count of Join In messages. This message type is for attributes that are declared as well as registered on the interface.
Join Empty Count of Join Empty messages. This message type is for attributes that are declared but not registered on the interface
Leave Count of Leave event messages indicating the withdrawal of a VLAN.
Leave-all Count of Leave-all event messages for the garbage collection of VLANs from the entire topology.
Total PDUs Total number of MVRPDU messages on the interface.


The following example displays the statistics for all MVRP-enabled interfaces.

device# show mvrp statistics
Port : eth0/1
Message type                   Transmitted  Received    
New                            0            0           
In                             0            1809        
Join In                        1816         0           
Join Empty                     1788         0           
Empty                          0            771         
Leave                          99           0           
Leave-all                      264          512         
Total PDUs                     1827         1293        
Port-channel : Po100
Message type                   Transmitted  Received    
New                            0            2           
In                             693          0           
Join In                        1800         1777        
Join Empty                     0            1956        
Empty                          396          0           
Leave                          0            96          
Leave-all                      369          346         
Total PDUs                     1807         1799        