clock timezone

Sets the device system clock time zone options using either Greenwich Mean time (GMT) or one of the US time zones that uses Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) plus or minus a number of hours.


clock timezone { gmt gmt-time | us us-time }
no clock timezone { gmt gmt-time | us us-time }


gmt gmt-time
Specifies the GMT time zone. The value can be one of the following: gmt+00 (United Kingdom), gmt+01 (France, Germany), gmt+02 (Eastern Europe, South Africa), gmt+03, gmt+03:30, gmt+04, gmt+04:30, gmt+05, gmt+05:30 (India), gmt+06, gmt+06:30, gmt+07, gmt+08 (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan), gmt+09 (Japan, Korea), gmt+09:30, gmt+10 (Australia), gmt+10:30, gmt+11, gmt+11:30, gmt+12, gmt-01, gmt-02, gmt-03, gmt-03:30, gmt-04, gmt-05, gmt-06, gmt-07, gmt-08, gmt-08:30, gmt-09, gmt-09:30, gmt-10, gmt-11, gmt-12.
us us-time
Specifies the US time zone. The value can be one of the following: alaska, aleutian, arizona, central, east-indiana, eastern, hawaii, michigan, mountain, pacific, samoa.


Global configuration mode


The following example sets the system date and time to the US Samoa time zone.

device(config)# clock timezone us samoa