Using the comment character !

Use the ! (exclamation mark) to indicate that the content that follows it are not a part of the command and will be ignored. Use ! (Exclamation Mark) to add comments to your command.

The following is an example of comments added to a command:

do dir ! execute the directory command. 

The first example shows the use of the ! symbol to introduce a blank line for better visibility and grouping of commands within the output of a command. The second example shows how the mark is used to indicate empty lines within the output of the show running-config command.

configure terminal
crypto ca trustpoint t1 ! configure a trustpoint
keypair k1 ! configure the keypair
do show running-config crypto ! view the configuration
SLX(config-management-heartbeat-manage) # no action 
SLX(config-management-heartbeat-manage)# do show running-config management-heartbeat manager
management-heartbeat manager
 threshold-timer 1
 action no-action 